Friday, April 19, 2013

The week that lead to me sitting in a parking lot looking like a crack head...part two

If you didn't read part one, you don't really have to, but you can and it's here

Part 2 – The Aussie

The Aussie got back from his little trip Tuesday, I think, he asked me to hang out Wednesday, I declined, because I wanted to watch Sons of Anarchy and dream of marrying Opie and replacing his dead wife (sorry, she dies, it’s so sad, I cried really hard at that part). That’s when the worst thing possible happened on Wednesday night, Netflix wouldn’t work. How am I supposed to pretend to be married to Opie if I can’t see his bad ass ways on the television! Now I am bored, it’s 7 o’clock and I have zero desire to pull out bob and zero desire to go to I text the Aussie and say I will meet him out for wings, but not before I ask who is there and who is going, I learned my lesson the first time around, he said it was him and two friends, WHO ARE NOT FRIENDS WITH MELVIN, I know this! So I go, I walk in and I see him and ten other people sitting at a table, I walk over and guess who was there...MULAN! JESUS! Damn you Netflix for not working, damn you Justine for not having a hobby, damn you life and my poor decision making skills. WHY DO I NOT HAVE MY OWN T.V SHOW!

The Aussie is tucked away in a corner so I sit on the other side of the table and get death glares from Mulan. It was nice to see that she had her fun bun back in place; I missed her fun bun, it makes me a little happy when she goes back to her jean jacket and fun bun, it brings back such found memories.  The Aussie makes his way over to me and we talk about his trip. The Aussie doesn’t smoke so I say I am going for a smoke to try and get a minute to think about how awkward this is and regroup. He insists on coming with me, but he needs a smoke, which is confusing because he doesn’t smoke. If there are three things you know about me it’s

1.       I make poor decisions when I have to think fast

2.       I don’t like sharing my cigarettes

3.       I am emotionally unstable

But really only number 1 and 2 apply to this situation, well I guess 3 does too, oh fuck it, me being emotionally unstable applies to every situation. So I give him my smoke and we go outside, mid conversation he kisses me. WHAT THE HECK! I didn’t even know what to do, one minute I am talking and the next there is a tongue in my mouth, I’m pretty sure I didn’t kiss him back for the first 15 seconds, I probably just stood there confused with a tongue in my mouth, so weird. And there were people around, I don’t like public displays of affection, to weird, and he was getting all kinds of up in my business, grabbing my butt and I was getting all weird and so I just stopped kissing back and put my cigarette back in my mouth! HA! If there is something in my mouth you can’t get your tongue in there! MUHAHA! QUICK THINKING JUSTINE! SELFHIGH FIVE! The night kind of went like that, and actually the Aussie,he isn’t all that bad, he seems like an okay guy, who just likes to drink, and when he drinks he gets naked, which if you know me, would probably be a disaster when it comes to a relationship, we would never be allowed to go out to parties together.  We would get drunk and naked (in a non sexual way) all over the place and people would think it’s weird that the only two people on the earth who get naked when they drink have found each other. I need someone who will monitor my ability to take off my bra when I drink, not encourage it.

Regardless my emotions are still on a rollercoaster so when I leave I get into my car and just start bawling, no idea why, well I have an idea why, because I think part of me is wanting Melvin to be as enthusiastic c about me as this Aussie guy is. So I cry all the way home, pull myself together and go to bed.

He texts me in the morning and I decide I need to be honest with this guy, the same way I want Melvin to be honest with me, I tell him that I think it will be best if we are just friends, and I mean that, I think he is a good guy, just not really dating material and I can’t see it going anywhere beyond friendship. But while I am happy that I was honest, the sudden panic that I have lost the guy who is my cushion from Melvin rejection is now in the friend zone because I put him there. Which leads to sheer panic that I may have to actually deal with the disappointment I feel from Melvin, which leads to the last part of this story, the person you guys don’t want to hear any more about, Melvin, aren’t you glad I saved him for the last part?

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